
新加坡2024年4月23日 /美通社/ -- 2024年4月19-21日,新加坡口腔及牙科展覽會(IDEM Singapore)於新加坡濱海灣金沙酒店舉行,吸引了約500家展商和來自70個國家的8000多名參會者歡聚獅城,共探行業發展。正雅作為國內快速成長的民族隱形正畸品牌,率團出席並攜旗下產品和技術精彩亮相,在國際舞台上向世界同行充分展示正雅優質創新成果,與海外市場同頻共振。

Recap | Smartee and Prof. Gang Shen at IDEM 2024 Singapore, April 19-21


Smartee Denti-Technology hosted a specialized event focused on Smartee GS Mandibular Repositioning Technology on April 18th
Smartee Denti-Technology hosted a specialized event focused on Smartee GS Mandibular Repositioning Technology on April 18th


Attendees engaged in workshops to deepen their understanding of mandibular repositioning technology and gained hands-on experience with bit-wax registration
Attendees engaged in workshops to deepen their understanding of mandibular repositioning technology and gained hands-on experience with bit-wax registration


Smartee's participation in IDEM Singapore
Smartee's participation in IDEM Singapore


Smartee Chief Scientist in R&D , Prof. Gang Shen delivered a lecture at IDEM titled "Fundamental Mechanisms and Therapeutic Procedures for Mandibular Repositioning."
Smartee Chief Scientist in R&D , Prof. Gang Shen delivered a lecture at IDEM titled "Fundamental Mechanisms and Therapeutic Procedures for Mandibular Repositioning."


Smartee booth attracted a steady stream of visitors
Smartee booth attracted a steady stream of visitors

