
菲律賓馬尼拉和新加坡2022年7月14日 /美通社/ -- 全球首屈一指的烈酒集團Emperador Inc. (「Emperador」 或「公司」)已成功於新加坡交易所證券交易有限公司(「新交所-ST」)主板上市,股票代號為「EMI」。是次第二上市是公司的最新舉措,旨在實現促進未來全球業務增長的宏願。

圖片:Emperador Inc.、新加坡駐馬尼拉大使館及新交所代表參加敲鑼儀式,共同慶賀Emperador Inc.於SGX-ST主板第二上市(由左至右:Emperador Inc.亞洲Dalmore威士忌專家George Schulze先生;Whyte & Mackay首席執行官兼Emperador Inc. 威士忌業務主管Bryan Donaghey先生;新加坡交易所集團首席執行官羅文才先生;Emperador Inc.董事兼主席Andrew L. Tan博士;新加坡駐馬尼拉大使館大使Gerard Ho先生;以及Emperador Inc.董事Kevin Andrew L. Tan先生)
圖片:Emperador Inc.、新加坡駐馬尼拉大使館及新交所代表參加敲鑼儀式,共同慶賀Emperador Inc.於SGX-ST主板第二上市(由左至右:Emperador Inc.亞洲Dalmore威士忌專家George Schulze先生;Whyte & Mackay首席執行官兼Emperador Inc. 威士忌業務主管Bryan Donaghey先生;新加坡交易所集團首席執行官羅文才先生;Emperador Inc.董事兼主席Andrew L. Tan博士;新加坡駐馬尼拉大使館大使Gerard Ho先生;以及Emperador Inc.董事Kevin Andrew L. Tan先生)

Emperador Inc. 威士忌業務主管兼Whyte & Mackay首席執行官Bryan Donaghey先生表示:「今天, Emperador於新交所-ST第二上市為我們的業務增長開啟了新篇章。我們作為全球一流的烈酒公司深感驕傲,並會致力推動白蘭地及威士忌市場的發展。」



作為全球領先的烈酒公司,Emperador Inc. 亦是一間生產商、裝瓶商及分銷商,在英國、西班牙、墨西哥及菲律賓等市場均佔有一席之地。憑藉卓著的往績及穩健的發展勢頭,公司業務足跡已遍佈全球100多個國家。

植根於300多年的悠久傳統,Emperador Inc.擁有廣泛豐富的產品組合,其中包括Fundador、Terry Centenario、Presidente及Emperador等全球最暢銷(按銷量計)的西班牙白蘭地品牌,以及The Dalmore、Jura、 Fettercairn及Tamnavulin等最知名的單一麥芽威士忌品牌。自2014年收購Whyte & Mackay以來,透過成功整合其業務,公司旗下以蘇格蘭威士忌為首的國際業務持續快速增長。

Emperador Inc.為首家在菲律賓證交所第一上市並在新交所-ST第二上市的公司。未來,公司將繼續於菲律賓證券交易所(「菲律賓證交所」)第一上市,股票代號亦為「EMI」。

新加坡交易所集團執行副總裁兼全球業務發起和拓展部(GSO)主管保得勝(Pol de Win)先生表示:「我們很高興歡迎Emperador Inc.於主板上市。Emperador Inc.為首家在新加坡第二上市的菲律賓公司,其為建構國際化產品組合而作出的策略性投資,有助推進其在成熟及新興市場的增長策略。新加坡交易所集團的國際化平台可為Emperador 提供絕佳跳板,助其進一步提升地位及捕捉新的增長機遇。」

This announcement is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as investment or financial advice, or advice to purchase any securities of the Company.

This document is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States, the Philippines, Singapore or elsewhere. The securities of the Company are not being registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and may not be offered or sold in the United States unless registered under the Securities Act or pursuant to an exemption from such registration.

There will be no public offering of the securities of the Company in the United States, the Philippines, Singapore or elsewhere. No money, securities or other consideration is being solicited by this communication or the information contained herein and, if sent in response to this communication or the information contained herein, will not be accepted.

The foregoing disclosure contain forward looking statements that are based on certain assumptions of Management and are subject to risks and opportunities or unforeseen events.

Actual results could differ materially from those contemplated in the relevant forward looking statement and EMI gives no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be correct or that such intentions will not change. This Press Release discloses important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from EMI's expectations. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to EMI or persons acting on behalf of EMI are expressly qualified in their entirety by the above cautionary statements.

關於Emperador Inc.

Emperador Inc.(EMI)為總部位於菲律賓的國際威士忌及白蘭地集團,擁有多個首屈一指、全球知名的威士忌及白蘭地品牌,銷售網絡遍佈全球100多個國家。

自1979年創立以來至2013年,Emperador不單成為菲律賓最大的烈酒公司,更躍升為全球最大的白蘭地生產商。自2014年以來至今,Emperador秉持以品牌為先的策略,矢志建構國際化產品組合;與此同時,公司藉著多宗跨國收購交易革新業務,包括收購全球第五大蘇格蘭威士忌生產商(以產量計)Whyte & Mackay,以及西班牙規模最大、歷史最悠久的白蘭地生產商Bodegas Fundador。在此期間,其多元化的產品組合在全球100多個國家迅速興起,對國際烈酒市場造成巨大影響。

歷史超過175年的Whyte & Mackay在英國擁有五間酒廠,旗下標誌性高端及優質單一麥芽威士忌品牌包括The Dalmore、Jura、Fettercairn及Tamnavulin。透過著力拓展國際市場,上述品牌均已領先業界,並躋身全球增長最快的單一麥芽品牌之列。

Bodegas Fundador為西班牙規模最大、歷史最悠久的白蘭地生產商,旗下品牌組合包括被視為铂金級白蘭地的Fundador、西班牙最暢銷白蘭地Terry Centenario,以及全球銷量第一的雪利酒Harveys Bristol Cream。最近,其Fundador Supremo系列被選為「全球最佳白蘭地」,並於國際烈酒大賽中屢獲殊榮。

Emperador Inc.為在菲律賓證券交易所公開上市公司,透過旗下附屬公司以綜合業務模式經營,對來自菲律賓、蘇格蘭、西班牙及墨西哥的蒸餾酒和其他酒精飲品進行生產、裝瓶及分銷。Emperador Inc.為 Alliance Global Group, Inc. 附屬公司 ,後者是在菲律賓公開上市的企業集團,廣泛投資地產發展、餐飲、快餐店、旅遊娛樂及博彩業務。

Collection and payment of stock transaction tax ("STT") on the sale of shares of Emperador Inc. ("EMI") traded on the SGX-ST to the Philippines Bureau of Internal Revenue ("BIR")

The trading of EMI's shares on the SGX-ST is subject to a STT of 0.6% of the gross selling price or gross value in money of the shares sold. The term gross selling price or gross value in money refers to the total amount of money or its equivalent which the purchaser pays the seller as consideration for the shares. STT is a final tax due on and payable by the seller of the shares, and is required to be collected by and paid to the Philippine tax authorities by the selling stockbroker on behalf of the seller. Failure by shareholders or Singapore brokers to pay or to remit STT payable to the BIR may result in a breach of law and/or contract.

The STT payable by a selling shareholder of EMI's shares traded on the SGX-ST will be collected and withheld by his Singapore broker on his behalf at the date of settlement of the trade. Singapore brokers may remit the collected STT to the BIR via BDO Securities Corporation ("BDO"), which has been appointed by EMI as the receiving and remitting agent (the "Receiving Agent"), or may choose to remit the collected STT to the BIR via other avenues, such as through their Philippines affiliated brokers.

As of the date of this announcement, the following Singapore brokers have been onboarded with BDO as the Receiving Agent:

  • CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.;
  • CLSA Singapore Pte Ltd;
  • Daiwa Capital Markets Singapore Limited[1];
  • DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd;
  • Lim & Tan Securities Pte Ltd;
  • Macquarie Capital Securities (Singapore) Pte. Limited;
  • Maybank Securities Pte. Ltd;
  • Philip Securities Pte Ltd;
  • Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte Ltd;
  • UBS Securities Pte Ltd; and
  • UOB Kay Hian Private Limited.

[1] Daiwa Capital Markets Singapore Limited is in the process of providing the attestation on collection, withholding, remittance and reporting of STT for EMI to SGX-ST, which is required before it can offer trading in the shares of EMI on the SGX-ST.

In the event that a Singapore broker has arranged to remit the collected STT to the BIR via the Receiving Agent and such arrangement is terminated by either the Singapore broker or the Receiving Agent, or in the event that the Receiving Agent no longer acts as the receiving and remitting agent for any reason, the Singapore broker will need to provide alternative modes of STT payment to comply with the applicable regulations (including ensuring that they have in place the necessary procedures and controls in the collection, withholding, remittance and reporting of the STT for the sale of EMI's shares on the SGX-ST in order to continue offering services to facilitate the trading of EMI's shares on the SGX-ST). Until such Singapore broker is able to provide an alternative payment method, selling shareholders trading through such Singapore broker may be unable to trade EMI's shares on the SGX-ST.

Please refer to as well as EMI's introductory document dated 20 June 2022 (the "Introductory Document") for further details regarding the collection and payment of STT on the sale of shares of EMI traded on the SGX-ST to the BIR. The information in the Introductory Document is provided strictly for information only and should be read as of its date. The information is not and does not constitute or form part of, and is not made in connection with, any offer, invitation or recommendation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities of any entity.

Prospective purchasers and holders of EMI's shares on the SGX-ST are advised to consult their own advisers concerning the tax, legal and other consequences of their purchasing, holding, disposing of or dealing in EMI's shares and to consult with their respective Singapore brokers in respect of the payment of STT and additional fees and charges (if any) that may apply in respect of the payment of STT to the BIR.