
廣州2021年2月22日 /美通社/ -- 中國(廣州)國際傢俱博覽會(以下簡稱「中國家博會(廣州)」)針對國內外發展形勢及行業現狀,重塑新定位為「設計引領、內外循環、全鏈協同」。在新定位的引領下,中國家博會(廣州)將在繼續擦亮傳統外貿金字招牌的基礎上,進一步提升內銷功能、增強設計方面的特色。

Connecting more than 4300 quality brands with 300,000 professional visitors from across the industry, the 47th CIFF Guangzhou is scheduled to be held between March 18-21 and March 28-31, 2021 in Canton Fair Complex and PWTC Expo, Guangzhou.
Connecting more than 4300 quality brands with 300,000 professional visitors from across the industry, the 47th CIFF Guangzhou is scheduled to be held between March 18-21 and March 28-31, 2021 in Canton Fair Complex and PWTC Expo, Guangzhou.

中國家博會(廣州)致力於以原創設計促進行業轉型升級。2020年7月,在第45屆中國家博會(廣州)上舉辦了 「設計之春」當代中國傢俱設計展,重點探討如何將藝術、設計與生活相結合,重新審視並發掘當代中國傢俱設計的獨特文化、藝術價值、設計和品牌價值此外還舉辦了「2030+國際未來辦公方式展」等一系列潮流特展和行業活動,這些都是家博會踐行新定位的具體舉措。





The CIFF Guangzhou has announced a repositioning anchored in “design trend, global trade, full supply chain”, in response to domestic and international developments as well as the current state of the industry.
The CIFF Guangzhou has announced a repositioning anchored in “design trend, global trade, full supply chain”, in response to domestic and international developments as well as the current state of the industry.